Stelgic is a platform that enables Quantitative Researchers and Developers explore and develop strategy ideas using Standard methods, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. With the application SDK a new strategy can be developed and validated it's performance.

Installation on windows

The platform is designed to run on local machine and with cloud support deployment in the near future. By download the installer package you install a run on premise machines. The alpha version in currently only available in windows.

User Signup and Login

All users are required to sign up in order to use the application. Additional 2FA (Two authentication Factor) is enable via authenticator app that can be installed on your mobile phone and setup by scanning the generated QR Code.

Create and Configure Project

This introduction video guides you how to create and configure new project. Sets of configs can be prepared before  the creation and others can be adjusted directly on newly created project file.

The Project Configuration File

The project file defines set of entries in json format such as instruments, data source, data processors or indicators, asset allocation, strategy, performance metrics and others useful parameters.

Users can edit the project.json to add/remove new instruments, adjust processors parameters and many more.
	"assetClass" : "perpetual",
	"backdays" : 1,
	"compactdir" : "cache/crypto_20240101_20240330",
	"country" : "",
	"datadir" : "data",
	"dataoffset" : 99,
	"enddate" : 20240330,
	"portfolio" : "crypto",
	"portfolios" : 
		"crypto" : 
			"active" : "crypto",
			"capital" : 15000,
			"close" : "00:00",
			"currency" : "USD",
			"instruments" : 
			"label" : "Crypto",
			"leverage" : 1.0,
			"metrics" : 
			"open" : "00:00",
			"risklimit" : 2.0,
			"source" : "binance",
			"strategies" : 
			"type" : "perpetual"
	"processors" : 
		"momentum" : 
			"backdays" : 1,
			"processors" : 
					"active" : 1,
					"attrs" : 
						"field" : 3,
						"scale" : 100.0,
						"winsize" : 12
					"indices" : 
					"label" : "rsi",
					"name" : "rsi",
					"subindics" : []
					"active" : 1,
					"attrs" : 
						"normalized" : 1,
						"scale" : 100.0,
						"winsize" : 12
					"indices" : 
					"label" : "atr",
					"name" : "atr",
					"subindics" : []
					"active" : 1,
					"attrs" : 
						"field" : 3,
						"scale" : 100.0,
						"winsize" : 16
					"indices" : 
					"label" : "shortema",
					"name" : "ema",
					"subindics" : []
					"active" : 1,
					"attrs" : 
						"field" : 3,
						"scale" : 100.0,
						"winsize" : 45
					"indices" : 
					"label" : "midema",
					"name" : "ema",
					"subindics" : []
					"active" : 1,
					"attrs" : 
						"field" : 3,
						"scale" : 100.0,
						"winsize" : 99
					"indices" : 
					"label" : "longema",
					"name" : "ema",
					"subindics" : []
			"timeframe" : 180
	"risks" : 
		"crossemastrategy" : 
			"capital" : 100000,
			"stoploss" : -1.6499999999999999
	"startdate" : 20240101,
	"strategies" : 
	"timeframe" : 60